The brain is one of the most important organs in the body. It is made up of 5 parts, each of which have their own function that includes, our ability to think, reason, create, move, cognitively function and our capacity to remember. The brain uses 20% of the body’s oxygen and blood supply and has over 100 billion neurons that assist in the proper functioning of the mind and body.
Brain health is vital at every stage in our lives, especially as young children, given ADHD and learning disabilities are on the rise. As we get older, neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimer's and other forms of Dementia can start to set in. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and smoking all increase the risk of poor brain health and disease.
Black Seed Oil protects brain function by reducing the risk of cognitive decline. Sea Moss’s potent mineral content along with Omega 3, fuels the cells and protect against inflammation. King of the Jungle is our up and coming Mushroom blend with key active compounds that play a vital role in the prevention against neurodegenerative decline.